The student will demonstrate the navigational theory required to safely navigate a sailing vessel in coastal or inland waters. No sailing skills are included in this standard. The practical application of this sailing knowledge is found in the advanced coastal cruising standard. This course includes topics on compass corrections, chart reading, course plots, fixes and bearings, current and tide calculations, and navigation corrections for leeway and current.
The student will learn to apply the navigational theory and practices for safe navigation of a sailing vessel in coastal and inland waters. On-water coastal navigation skills elements are contained in the ASA103 Basic Coastal Cruising, ASA 104 Bareboat Cruising,
ASA 106 Advanced Coastal Cruising - in progressively increasing levels of detail.
Study Materials: Coastal Navigation & Piloting (Tursi), Coastal Navigation Manual (Pyzel) USCG Navigation Rules & Regulations Handbook, U.S. Chart No. 1, USCG Light List Local Notice to Mariners